Monday, October 15, 2012

Playing Twenty-Two Questions

By Margaret Curtis, PhD

When Bill Moyers’ interview with James Balog aired this week, the two agreed that the presidential candidates still need to answer questions about climate change. Their observation inspires a barrage of questions for the remaining debates:

·  Are you willing to support cutting pensions and benefits for senators and congresspersons?
·  National sovereignty—How do YOU define it?
·  What is your stand on legal vs. illegal immigration?
·  Global drought—How will the US meet the food challenge?
·  How can we improve academic achievement in America?
·  How can we rid our inner cities of gangs?
·  How can we convince Americans that taking drugs for recreational purposes is NOT cool?
·  What is the best job training available in the US?
·  What is the best child care system in the world?
·  Are you willing to tell young Americans to pull their pants up?
·  How do you explain US policy in Libya?
·  How do you explain US policy in Mexico?
·  Do you support political campaign reform?
·  How quickly can the US repair its crumbling infrastructure?
·  How can the US improve its foreign language skills?
·  How can the US improve its intelligence gathering?
·  How can the president facilitate cooperation between the FBI and CIA?
·  What is the best use of the president’s bully pulpit?
·  What role should insurance companies play in determining health care policies in America?
·  Explain the relationship between the states and federal government, according to the US Constitution.
·  Does the federal government have the right NOT to enforce US borders?
·  Would you like to see your daughters become teachers in the US?

Please feel free to add questions to this list. The most important issues may lie outside the usual talking points. They may also startle both moderators and candidates, who may habitually divide material into republican and democrat categories whereas questions like #1 above, for example, strike to the heart of the need for reform in DC.   

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