Sunday, April 22, 2012

Charlie Sheen Does Colombia?

Charlie Sheen Does Colombia?

By Meg Curtis

Was Charlie Sheen responsible for the Secret Service’s debacle in Colombia?  This question arises because this affair has Charlie Harper’s fingerprints all over it.  Two and a Half Men seems to have turned into Twenty-Three and a Half Goofballs—but that’s only counting through Sunday, April 22. 

During the final episodes of THM’s repetitive plotline, Ladies of the Evening, Afternoon, and Whenever paraded in and out of Harper’s domicile.  Even his nephew became numb to the double entendre and sleazage.  (a new word which blends sleaze and cleavage, as only Sheen/Harper can)

The agent who set off alarm bells in the Hotel Caribe followed Sheen’s favorite routine to the letter.  He advised everyone on everything—and then got into a go-round with the spitting image of his mom.  When will America admit that Charlie Sheen needs a better agent and a better act?  Even psychotics like Rose have their obsessive limits.

It is unfortunate but not beyond understanding how two debacles could occur like anniversaries. On April 3, 2011, Reuter’s David Rooney reported “Charlie Sheen bombs in Detroit debacle.” Rooney quips: “Call it tiger blood or Adonis DNA if you will. Just don't call it entertainment.”

Just one year and eleven days later, this headline appeared in globalpost on April 14, 2012: “Bombs, Secret Service mar Obama's arrival in Cartagena for Americas summit.” America now needs to recognize that, so long as the US Secret Service imitates Charlie Sheen, they can expect similar reviews and fans’ big-time BOOS.

For Reuter’s full rehash of Sheen’s failure, please see  http://www.reuters.comarticle/ 2011/04/03/us-charliesheen-idUSTRE72U7GJ20110403

Globalpost’s full report on Colombia is available here: regions/americas/colombia/120414/colombia-cartagena-bombs-barack-obama-americas-summit

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