Thursday, October 25, 2012

Kerfuffle among the Fashionistas (9_9)*

By Margaret Curtis, PhD

Reporters face a puzzle in October 2012. Across the ocean from America, the Daily Mail posed the mystery this way: “Why the fashion industry appears to be snubbing Mitt’s wife.”

Speaking for Fashionista, Hayley Phelan answered the question “Why the Fashion Industry Won’t Embrace Ann Romney”: “Well, for one, it’s because the fashion industry, in general, tends to lean to the left.”

Neither publication denies the phenomenon. Neither apologizes for the “snub.” Analysts may be working overtime, however, to solve mysteries while the fashion industry’s favoritism could not be clearer.

Model agencies prefer their clothes racks to be as young as possible. If a candidate’s wife were thirteen and pouting for the camera, with her legs curled up on her divan, they’d probably tear out their checkbooks, too.

The anorexic look has scandalized the industry for years, prompting protests from the parents of teenagers fighting for their health and longevity.

Selected ad agencies have fought with the fashion industry as well, offering realistic models in sizes 12 and 14, featuring a bloom on faces and fully rounded figures, often favored by men.

These scandals come to public attention most egregiously in the case of Tavi Gevinson. Huff Post Style headlined her genius this way on October 25, 2012:

“Tavi Gevinson: 13-Year-Old Fashion Blogger Skips School, Attends Fashion Week.”

Now Tavi gets to describe herself for the national media, courtesy of Huff Post:

“Tiny 13 year old dork that sits inside all day wearing awkward jackets and pretty hats. Scatters black petals on Rei Kawakubo's doorsteps and serenades her in rap. Rather cynical and cute as a drained rat. In a sewer. Farting. And spitting out guts.

Huff Post Style reports that Tavi’s reward for posting such “malarkey”—a good word, thanks to Joe Biden—was this extravaganza: “Tavi got Fashion Week’s most coveted ticket: a seat at the Marc Jacobs show Monday night.”   

Are those eyes rolling, Loyal Readers? (9_9) (9_9) (9_9) Does anyone wonder anymore why the fashion industry does not fawn over Ann Romney?

*Readers of this column will recognize the emoticon for Rolling Eyes. 

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